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We offer more than 300 products in our stores and online. We make it our mission to bring you the best ingredients and the freshest produce, every day.⁣

Do you have a last minute birthday surprise? Is it your name day? Craving something sweet?

Order now online and enjoy our products in minutes. Now you can have our fresh and amazing products at home or at the office! We deliver in Limassol, Larnaca and Paphos within a 15km radius from our stores. Do you have a last minute birthday surprise? Is it your name day? Order now online and have everything ready in minutes. Our quality and flavour are a few clicks away.


Explore new flavours from our all-natural nut butter! Delicious spreads are available at your doorstep in our new E-shop.

Visit and find our new range of products!

Peanut butter. E-shop